Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Service has officially begun!

Hi, friends.

Stepper, here.

Last night, Lizzie was set apart as a full time missionary in God's Army. It was a very brief, very powerful experience for all in attendance. We discovered that the second counselor in her stake is the man who runs the MTC. Not just the one in Provo. He heads up all MTC's EVERYWHERE. He assured us that he would look in on Lizzie for us. Nice to have someone on the inside.

This afternoon we delivered Lizzie to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo to officially begin her service as a missionary.
Families used to be able to escort their missionary inside the MTC and participate in a 'family orientation'. I have no idea what goes on in a family orientation. I imagine lots of direction on the part of the MTC rep. and lots of crying on the part of the mothers. But now, you are allowed to drive your missionary onto the MTC campus grounds, drop them off on the curb, and then high-tail it out of there.

There were stations marked along the curb that wound around the MTC building, and at each station was a pair of missionary elders with bright smiles and enthusiastic waves. (for the record, I held it together fairly well until I saw those cute missionaries in their crisp suits; so genuine, so thrilled to be there, so willing. Their spirits were strong and I crumbled into the bawl baby I knew I would be.) We delivered Lizzie and her luggage into the capable hands of the missionary companionship standing at our post (bound for Mexico City!) and watched as she walked with confident purpose into the waiting doors of the next chapter of her life.

She didn't look back.

And so - thus it begins! I will be posting all of her letters to this blog so that all of you who know and love her can remain abreast on all Lizzie happenings.

If you would like to write her while she's at the MTC, you can do so in one of two ways. You can either visit Dear Elder - a site where you can write her an electronic note and have it printed and delivered to her within a day of writing it FOR FREE (just click on the Provo MTC link and enter her information below).


You can write her a physical letter and send it to the following address:

Sister Elizabeth Remington McCrery
MTC Mailbox # 124
POR-LIS 0526
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Her address will change once she leaves the Training Center and travels to her mission in Lisbon, Portugal in a few months. I'll post that address when I get it.

If you have any questions/comments/good jokes, please feel free to contact me at stepperthemighty at gmail dot com.

Thanks for your support and prayers.


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