Saturday, April 3, 2010

Minha Familia e Friends!

Hello Minha Familia e friends,

I miss you! Bil and stepper, thank you for writing me ever so diligently, it means soooo much to me. Tell Wyatt that I love him tons and tons and that he should draw me some cars.

I'm happy! The MTC is a blessing, sometimes it's a blessing in disguise but a blessing nonetheless. I hope last weeks e-mail was not too much of a downer. The MTC brings such a flood of emotions and I'm now writing you with a little more experience.

    I try everyday to humble myself and be more like Christ. Why be more like Christ? Because whether we lose faith in him or not, he has already atoned for us. It is through his love and sacrifice and ONLY through his love and sacrifice that we are able to progress and learn to be better. My faith is tested and tried everyday (somedays more than others) But it is when I remember the love that my Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ have for me that I can press forward. I see little tender mercies that let me know He must love, he must.

  On monday I recieved 13 letters/dearelders!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right! 13!!! Granted some of them were doubles from my little hun Clairey (she just wanted to make sure they got to me safe and sound) but still It was nuts, I actually jusmped up and down and squeeled with joy! So let me just say thank you thank to everyone who has written me so far....

Bil I love all of you real tender notes, thanks for letting me hear from Wyatt, Stepper thank also for you support and entertaining words to remind me of home. Claire keep em coming dearest!!! Also Corinne, Amy, Ev Dog, Mandy Peck, Jim Beaumont's lottery joke (Jim, if you read this, get a life-Love ya!), Bishop Sanborn, Eric Taylor, Russ, and Becca! Thank you for your support and words of encouragement. Letters from home (home means from all of you whom I love) are a tender mercy to me and keep me going whne times are tough.Dearelder is the most effiecient thing was to get mail here. It's free! hhahaha. My district leader distributes all mail at 9:30 everynight, never earlier. It helps keep us focused during the day.

   Bil and Stepper remeber that sister getting out of her car in front of us at the MTC when you dropped me off? SHE IS MY COMPANION! ahahah isn't that crazy? I forgot to tell you that last week. I just thought that was strange.

   My Portuguese is coming along. I saw Eric Taylor here at the MTC a couple days ago. I knew he worked here but it turns out he teaches down the hall and around the corner! It was crazy to see him. I was able to speak the minimal Portuguese I know, maybe he can tell you how I did.

   We taught our first lesson in the TRC (bill can explain what that is i think.) It went pretty well, my compnanions and I just need to trust eachother more and rely on the Spirit.
I have shared some of my talents with my zone at lunch, such as my robot voice and my uncanny ability to make ugly faces (if you have seen them, you know what I'm talking about). It is good for me to open up so that I'm not so serious all the time. Because the truth is, this work is so happy! I get to help other people learn how they can recieve that ultimate happiness that the Gospel brings. I'm not talking that fluffy junk, I'm talking real joy that can be ours FOREVER!

  I was able to attend the Temple today and it brought me peace and hope knowing that all is well when I'm on the Lord's side.

General Conference is this weekend. I NEED to hear the words of the Prophet and Apostles and I'll be frank and say that so do you!!!! The Prophet speaks the will of God direct fro mthe source, His words are not just for members of the church but he receives revelation frrom God for the ENTIRE WORLD! We are all Heavenly Father's children and he gives us Prophets so that we actually have a tangible guide to know who to return to him. So watch it and love it. Really. That means you! Really you! Watch general conference and you will understand why I am here in Provo, Utah learning how to be a disciple of Christ and preach his Gospel to all the ends of the Earth. Stepper will you give these3 kind folks some links to where they can watch or listen to conference?

It is my testimony that I know that our Heavenly Father Lives, so does his Son Jesus Christ. They Love us and have given us everything that we go through for our betterment. This mission is HARD WORK! But the blessing is in the work. I am learning how to work, can you believe it? I am learning how to work!!! I have never learned how to work hard before! What a blessing!

 Bil to answer your question, am I starving or stuffed (because it is always one or the other) Right now I am stuffed, I never want to eat again. But in 3 hours I will be like a starving wolf scavnenging for food in the forest of the MTC cafeteria. Food is good. Public Bathrooms aren't freaking me out anymore. I'm over it. I'm getting over all the little things slowly.
I lvoe you,

 please write me any time!
Irma McCrery

To watch the live stream of General Conference, go HERE.

1 comment:

  1. You can also listen to it here: I think.
