Friday, April 23, 2010



Ok I just wasted like 35 seconds trying to figure out how to use accents. But I couldn't. Ola has an accent over the a. It sounds like Hola but with the emphasis on the a. My lovely family, my lovely friends. This week has been crazy. There are not enough hours in the day. I'm convinced. It is really getting down to crunch time here in the MTC. I only have 4 more weeks left... CRAZY! I am more than half way done with the MTC and I don't know enough Portuguese! This week we start to speak only Portuguese in class. ONLY PORTUGUESE! It is a daunting thought. Because really I don't feel like I know any Portuguese. When I start to doubt my ability to speak Portuguese I have to remember that the Lord has called me to this assignment. It is not only possible that I learn Portuguese, it is inevitable. It is inevitable as long as I give it my all. I sure do try to give it my all.

I don't feel like I have a ton to say this week, I should have prepared better to write something. My brain has been frazzled because every thought I have in English, I try to correct myself and think as much in Portuguese as I can. I have learned so much, I just need to remember it all.

Ok thank you so much for everyone who has written me. I always say this, but there is nothing like getting mail at the end of the day. Clinton and Elisabeth-THANK YOU for the orange rolls and doughnuts, what a stinkin treat. Seriously. My district and zone and every elder on my floor appreciated them! You are so sweet to always write me and keep me posted. Bil, Stepper...Thank you thank you obrigada obrigadinha thank you. Amy, thanks for the letter the other day! Tell Brian I love him and that he needs to write me something, tell him that is a command not a request. hahahahha I think he will appreciate that. Also Amy I need your address!!!!

This week we had gym outside, did I mention that? It is great, four square has had a new dynamic. You don't care about four square.

Ok not only am I learning soooo much Portuguese and sooooo much about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the endless blessings it offers, I am making friends! I am making some really great friends with my fellow comrades here that I know I will always remember, it's really great. 
Something we were reminded of this past week in a devotional was our divine identity. We are all literally spirit sons and daughters of God. Did you know that? Did you know that is a fact?It is. It is a fact that we have a loving (amoroso) Heavenly Father (Pai Celestial) who loves us sooooooo much that he sent His ONLY begotten Son Jesus Christ to save us. He sent Jesus Christ to save us from Sin and Death, the 2 things keeping us from returning to live with our Heavenly Father. The Gospel is so simple my friends, God Loves us, we are on the Earth to progress and prove ourselves worthy to return to live with Him (Heavenly Father)  in ETERNAL GLORY (and our families can be there too) if we will find the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and faithfully obey the commandments found within, we get infinite blessings. These blessings are not just some far off hope or dream, the blessings that come from the Gospel are real. They are for the here and now. Heavenly Father wants us to be happy now, on this earth, and happy after this life for all eternity with the ones we love... Is this a tangent? No my dear ones, this is the real stuff. This is the stuff that matters. Heavenly Father has a plan for you. He has a plan for you. I know it.
Eu sei que o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo e verdadeiro. Isto e verdadeirdo. Eu sei que o Livro de Mormon contem o plenitude do Evangelho. Eu adoro este Evangelho.
I love you all. I really do. I wish I could express my feelings more eloquently. I will try to write as many letters as I can. Pray for me, I'll pray for you!
Forward, pressing forward....
con amo
Irmã McCrery

(Stepper here - Bill translated that Portuguese paragraph for me. He speaks Spanish, may not be an exact translation, but we can all still stand in awe of his skills. The paragraph says: 

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. It is true. I know that the Book of Mormon contains the fullness of the gospel. I adore this gospel.)

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